Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Crashing Caravans (for a friend who wanted a rhyme)

Sat in a caravan
A view of the sea
Rain on its roof
Children watching TV

They are finally settled
They were shredding our nerves
We put on the Blues Brothers
No more sound have we heard

Just police cars crashing
A world record amount
Crash after crash
We have long lost count

The noise is deafening
But we don’t care
We could be in a tent
Rain dripping on our hair

How we love our home from home
All dry and snuggled up
And now the sun is shining
Oh what incredible luck!

Thursday, 12 July 2012


“Dad why don’t you put some
Ninjagos in your poems?”
We have just finished
building his Ninjago Lego,

the one where the good ninja
triumphs over the evil ninja skeleton.
His imagination runs to places
mine has lost the path to.

Ninjago, the secretive, mysterious
warrior who flings Lego pieces
into the air to fall from the sky
onto his master’s head.

Why he would want to do this, only
a boy’s imagination would know.
I mean, why make your master angry by
dropping Lego on his wise and spirited head?

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Stockard Channing Wears a Low Cut Dress

She plays the First Lady
and a feisty one at that,
always ready for a good fight,
a permanent furrow upon her brow.

But tonight she wears a low cut dress,
my wife kindly points out.
She looks demure, instead of threatening.
I am reading, now I am watching
the West Wing like it is the 6 O’clock news.

I have never seen the magnificent cleavage
of the President’s wife and, I suppose,
I could still say that I have never seen
the magnificent cleavage of the President’s wife,
only the magnificent cleavage of Stockard Channing.

Ponderings at Cotton Tree

I sit here, my head full of nothing,
beautiful Cotton Tree spread  across my view of the world,
the Maroochy River swelling to its fullest,
as it ripples and it swirls.

A young Japanese couple,
in matching tee-shirts, point to the water.
They look like they have lost their tour guide
and wonder if she is on that boat.

Questions written all over their faces,
wondering how they lost their whirlwind tour group
and found themselves alone and intimate.

A troop of Germans argue over something Germanic,
maybe they compare the Baltic Coast
and its wind-swept silvery beaches,

the dark Baltic Sea lashing at the coastline
with the anger of Neptune,
wanting to break over the land and reclaim the world.
How different to Beautiful Cotton Tree.

Fishermen cast a hopeful line
with an unhopeful worm attached to the end.
I would not be that worm for anything,
or be the fish to catch it.

Caravan owners relax outside their luxury tents,
confident of their comfortable sleep to come,
the knowing smile of someone
who does not use the public facilities,
whose hard ground is a queen bed.

But they are Baby Boomers, who started out in a tent
dating at eighteen, buying a home at thirty-two
with only enough to furnish the living room,
so now the luxury feels earned.

I earn joy from my observations,
for joy is wealthy and wise
and I will now go about my business
with my head still in the skies.

Cleaner, Faster

My car goes faster
after massaging its metallic paintwork
with a soft and fluffy mitt.

It zooms along happily,
the engine revving
like its pistons have been re-bored,
feeling like a frisky greyhound
after its weekly bath.

The tyres stick to the road like a
post it on your computer screen,
all because the wheels sparkle
under the wink of the sun’s gaze.

All four cylinders fire off,
making its six cylinder cousin
look pregnant and out of breath.

It feels full of energy when doused
with water and the grime
weighing it down is lifted from its bonnet.

Life’s clean and shiny things gleam and go faster,
like the mind driving them.

Old Friends

A comfortable seat, an old friend at my side
Conversation feeling warm and familiar
Laughing at old jokes and memories long ago
No need to think of what to say or watch for empty holes
Stories flow, opinions are matched and differences welcomed
Our connection lifts the soul, relaxes the heart
and makes all that passed before seem like gold.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Darkness, Bullfrogs, Politicians and Vampires

My puppy lies on the mat outside, one eye on me,
I can hear his brother treading through the leaves,
nose to the ground sniffing for a skink in the darkness.

The bullfrogs compete for the loudest braggart trophy,
their chests puffed up bigger than an Australian politician’s.
I think of Julia Gillard out there,
she’s the one who croaks the loudest, longest and most consistently
and will always be the last to jump into the pond.

The other bullfrogs wonder how a Sheila can out-croak them
while at the same time taking their leader’s crown.
The cicadas act as one voice with a crescendo
that overwhelms, no one there tries to run the show.

I sit here on my bed looking out into the darkness,
thinking out of all the nocturnal creatures,
which one would I rather be.

None of them comes the easy reply,
I enjoy this human form, it is fun.
If I had to choose, it would be a vampire
who would see the light, walk in the day.

I would suck the blood from my neighbour’s cows
and suck their yappy dog dry, then return home
after an exhilarating night of fast movement and flight.

The days would be full of play, coercive mind
techniques used to get my own way.
It would surely be fun to be a vampire
and talk to the leader of the bullfrogs.

Children at Twenty-One

Life at forty-two begins with children
All that came before was preparation

The fun to be had, adventure’s call
I would trade it all for children at twenty-one

The next life spent having fun with family
An adventure from the soul, love abounding
A fullness of life watching life grow.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A Stubborn Pen

My pen does not want to write,
it lies flat in my hand, listless and uninterested.
It will not think of one easy line to start off the flow of words.
Ink will not touch paper, until it feels inspiration
to put life on these lines.

Why must it be so full of whimsy
and not feel the frustration of an empty page.
It is not tempted by a dalliance in the margin to wet its appetite.

This pen is empty of all thought,
there is a void where words are first to appear.

How am I to ask it to lend potency to its ink
and let it flow like pebbles in a tumbling river,
words rolling over one another in their eagerness
to please and to fill this parchment.

I implore you my pen, please do not leave me here
to dry up in a literary desert.
Fix this reluctance, end this resistance
and give joy to whoever wants to read your words.

I will lay you down, never to pick you up again,
you stubborn stick of woe.
But your slender lines and easy roll will win back my heart
and let the poetry create worlds for us to imagine.

Is your ink transparent?


The log fire crackles sending shadows dancing.
The rug before the hearth promises romance.

But you are not here.

The wood is chopped and piled against
the cabin.
I have chopped enough for long nights.

But you are not here.

The pen you bought me is in my hand, no
words will come to mind. I can only write

You are not here.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

If Men are from Venus, Women from Mars

Venus, the one lone bright star in a pale blue sky.
She is out to greet us before the day darkens,
her long white robes flowing,
her beauty beguiles like a siren beckoning,
shining brightly, a beacon of love for Mars to follow home.

Mars is nowhere to be seen,
he’s still at the pub putting the world to rights,
talking shop and arguing law,
while drinking nectar from the Gods.

Would it be different if Men were from
Venus and Women were from Mars?

The man at home shining his love
for her in a blaze of white light,
she returning safely to his masculine
embrace to receive love’s true kiss.

His angry and jealous emotions lying
just beneath the surface ready to pounce
should she deliver him an excuse
to feel rightly aggrieved,
for he is not a good house keeper
or able to be kept by the hand of his lady.

The world would be unbalanced if Mars
subdued his war cry and Venus changed her robes..
And if Venus were to extinguish her beacon of love
then who will shine their light for all to see,

be that bright star in the sky giving strength and
hope so that eternity can follow a path of love?
She is the strength necessary for all men to exist.
A reason to want to put the world to rights.

A Pedestrian Walkway in Central China

There's people everywhere, thousands and thousands.
a never ending procession of life filling either side of the road,
longer than any dragon's tail.
All living in harmony with their many neighbours.

Every soul in close proximity dealing within a small space
encroached upon by others dealing within theirs.
Life is such, just getting through the turns of the day,
seeing to what is most important.

Adversity is part of their history, part of their life
and in their culture.
Everyday occurrences in every day dealings
would seem as catastrophes to the western mind.
Bribery and corruption are not considered the same
when a bribe puts you where you want to be.

Relationships are what makes this world turn, they are cultivated
and kept strong for the day they are needed.
A place at art university for the master's daughter
or the correct treatment by the right physician.
It's a well oiled machine each part requiring greasing
before it works at full speed.

Family is as strong as a tempered chain,
each link being as important as the next.
Friendships maintained for such times they are needed
so links in the chain are not broken.
An introduction to another introduction
and another after that, then a relationship is made,
another link added.

These subtleties are missed by the western mind
as we march through their lives, stepping on toes
and bumping into others.
There are no people bumping others among the thousands
going in different directions.
It is understood that there are differences,
there are other meanings and the world needs to move.

Their world has changed so many times, they can let be
what is, let change sound its bell.
The dragon's tail, made from links in the chain
and each chain linked to each other by some degree.
They move so close to one another and move so quickly.
Thousands moving in unison.

Naughty Proletariats

How bourgeois to be eating oysters,
shelling prawns, barramundi melting
in the mouth, but always accompanied
by the great British delicacy,
the deep fried chip, the Proletariat,
the common man at the table.

It’s like a group of builder’s labourers,
wearing steel capped boots
and dirty white T-shirts
mistakenly invited to the Duchess’s tea party.

Everyone laughs at the course humour
to a point where having too much
begins to lay heavy on the stomach.

Then one returns to the delicate texture
and taste sensation of a freshly opened oyster,
the pearl in the ocean,
whilst the plate of chips growls at the rest of the party
for being ignored, no longer tolerated.

Too much of a naughty thing
no longer feels like a good thing.

Bunching in Numbers

Evening spreads its thin grey veil,
night will shroud us in darkness,
white clouds turn grey,
grey turns to black.

The warm autumn temperature cools,
giving a slight release to the heat.
A breeze wafts passed cooling all,
I lift my arms to receive it.

The rainbow lorikeets have taken to safety,
they bunch in numbers in the same tree,
all crowding together, squabbling, chittering,
some making comfortable noises.
All become quiet, once darkness is here.

The kookaburra will laugh through the night.
But the kookaburra will still be in groups,
protecting each other from harm.
They set each other off cackling away,
a comical sound merry in its way.

Cicadas nearly smother all of evenings call,
they are powerfully loud in numbers,
that familiar sound of the tropics,
reminding those of home who are gone.

I breathe in the cooler air scented with jasmine.
My mind wonders to other jasmine moments,
a Beijing evening watching the crimson red sun set
above the Forbidden City setting fire to the clouds
over the western mountains, with jasmine scenting the air.

I revel in the chance to be alone
with all of evening’s creatures.
I settle my thoughts, slow my mind.
The body winds itself down,
it is the natural way of things.

My mind wonders lazily over the day
thinking of what was and what is to come.
I stroll back to my own haven.
I hear laughter, squabbling, chittering
and some comfortable noises.