Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Darkness, Bullfrogs, Politicians and Vampires

My puppy lies on the mat outside, one eye on me,
I can hear his brother treading through the leaves,
nose to the ground sniffing for a skink in the darkness.

The bullfrogs compete for the loudest braggart trophy,
their chests puffed up bigger than an Australian politician’s.
I think of Julia Gillard out there,
she’s the one who croaks the loudest, longest and most consistently
and will always be the last to jump into the pond.

The other bullfrogs wonder how a Sheila can out-croak them
while at the same time taking their leader’s crown.
The cicadas act as one voice with a crescendo
that overwhelms, no one there tries to run the show.

I sit here on my bed looking out into the darkness,
thinking out of all the nocturnal creatures,
which one would I rather be.

None of them comes the easy reply,
I enjoy this human form, it is fun.
If I had to choose, it would be a vampire
who would see the light, walk in the day.

I would suck the blood from my neighbour’s cows
and suck their yappy dog dry, then return home
after an exhilarating night of fast movement and flight.

The days would be full of play, coercive mind
techniques used to get my own way.
It would surely be fun to be a vampire
and talk to the leader of the bullfrogs.

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