Sunday, 1 July 2012

A Pedestrian Walkway in Central China

There's people everywhere, thousands and thousands.
a never ending procession of life filling either side of the road,
longer than any dragon's tail.
All living in harmony with their many neighbours.

Every soul in close proximity dealing within a small space
encroached upon by others dealing within theirs.
Life is such, just getting through the turns of the day,
seeing to what is most important.

Adversity is part of their history, part of their life
and in their culture.
Everyday occurrences in every day dealings
would seem as catastrophes to the western mind.
Bribery and corruption are not considered the same
when a bribe puts you where you want to be.

Relationships are what makes this world turn, they are cultivated
and kept strong for the day they are needed.
A place at art university for the master's daughter
or the correct treatment by the right physician.
It's a well oiled machine each part requiring greasing
before it works at full speed.

Family is as strong as a tempered chain,
each link being as important as the next.
Friendships maintained for such times they are needed
so links in the chain are not broken.
An introduction to another introduction
and another after that, then a relationship is made,
another link added.

These subtleties are missed by the western mind
as we march through their lives, stepping on toes
and bumping into others.
There are no people bumping others among the thousands
going in different directions.
It is understood that there are differences,
there are other meanings and the world needs to move.

Their world has changed so many times, they can let be
what is, let change sound its bell.
The dragon's tail, made from links in the chain
and each chain linked to each other by some degree.
They move so close to one another and move so quickly.
Thousands moving in unison.

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